WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) has been teaching female students more and more about majoring in a variety of science and engineering fields. On Nov. 29, WISE had one of its many guest speakers, Megan Beredar (’12) come in and inform the members on what it’s like to major in pharmacy.
“[Guest Speakers] are a big part of the club. The club is partially [guest speakers] and partially the science days that go on next semester. I wouldn’t know anymore than [the members] do. It’s me getting these experienced people to come down and give [the members] their advice and give them their experiences,” Nicole Geer (12) said.
The two presidents of the WISE, Nicole Geer (12) and Rachel Kozel (12), scheduled guest speakers from various fields to give members a feel of what those fields and careers are like. The fields can range anywhere from mechanical engineering to pharmacy.
“I think [WISE] is really good because it gives students the first perspective of what’s coming up. We have some [guest speakers] that are college students. We have some that are already in their fields, and it’s kind of a really good way to give some insight and advice. We’ve had engineers. We’ve had computer science majors. We’ve had had pharmacy [and] medical school, so they’re all kind of coming in different [directions] so we can figure out what we want to do with our lives,” Nicole Geer (12) said.
The club has many guest speakers to encourage and motivate women to major and explore in science and engineering. It teaches and informs of these diverse fields in an educational yet fun way that allows women to meet others with the same interests.
“I think there is great importance in women involvement in typically male dominant aspects of careers. WISE gives females a chance to explore their potential in excelling in science and engineering. It is a fun way to meet other intellectually motivated women,” Ishika Prakash (11) said.