On Thursday, Jan. 19, Dollars for Scholars held their monthly meeting. Ms. Ashley Kline, Guidance, informed the club about the freshmen parent night and how students can volunteer.
“Today’s meeting was just giving updates on upcoming volunteer opportunities. Right now our need is tours for the incoming freshmen parent night on Monday, Jan. 23, and students to sit at the Dollars for Scholars table that night to answer questions and represent DFS,” Ms. Kline said.
During October, Dollars for Scholars held the first Ghouls at the School event for the elementary and middle schools. Dollars for Scholars was also in charge of Homecoming.
“Since we do so much in the fall with Homecoming and everything and we do the Grand March in the spring, winter is kind of a slower time for DFS. We still have many opportunities that come about the year,” Ms. Kline said.
Dollars for Scholars hosts events at the elementary and middle schools. They also volunteer monthly with the Northwest Indiana Down Syndrome Association.
“Another big thing happening right now is our Dollars for Scholars Scholarships, and that is open now through Feb. 15 to seniors. They can work on a online profile and can be eligible for scholarships that will be awarded out at the end of the year,” Ms. Kline said.