On Friday, March 3, History Club met in Mr. Tom Clark, Social Studies, room. The group discussed Alexander Graham Bell and Women’s History month.
“We had a lot of different things to talk about and share, so I think it went really well for the amount of things that we presented today,” Caitlin Mavity (11) said.
After the club members took their seats, the officers began the meeting with the history facts of the week about Alexander Graham Bell.
“Honestly, I think his work is very, very important because today we wouldn’t have cell phones or intercoms and important things that we do and use on a daily basis, especially in the school with our intercom system and our phones and global contact,” Mavity said.
The officers explained that Alexander Graham Bell was the inventor of the telephone and that his first spoken words on it were “Mister Watson, come here, I want you.”
“It’s crazy to think about these inventions that started centuries ago. There were only two phones in the world and it was a very complex process. Now we pull our phones out of our pockets. We don’t even think about it, so I think he’s had a tremendous affect on the world when it comes to expanding communication,” William Morris (12) said.
The club later played ‘Historical Telephone,’ a twist on Chinese Telephone. The officers would ask a question and the members would share the answer from back of the room to the front.
“I think that was a very creative way to really make the members think about how vital [the] telephone is. We think of all these wireless things, but they all start out with a wire and getting up and down, snaking the wire of kids translated [this]. I think it was a unique way to integrate that lesson for today,” Morris said.
March is Women’s History month, so the officers briefly mentioned some facts of famous women in history.
“I feel like historical suffragettes and women who were in movements do inspire women today. A lot of women do the things they may have done [back] then. There are some radical things like maybe, Carrie Nation, Carrie Hatchet, who maybe did a radical type thing and then there are some women who maybe have protest[ed] and marched and have done peaceful things, so I feel like the past has affected today,” Mavity said.