Looking for something new to undertake in her middle and high school career, Makeda Ellis (10) decided to attempt shot and discus on the girls track team. After training her eighth grade year, Ellis grew a strong love for this sport and decided to continue practicing in high school.
“I’ve been throwing shot since eighth grade. I started it because it was something different and it interested me,” Ellis said.
Beginning her third year of training, Ellis set goals for herself and hopes to accomplishing them.
“My ultimate achievement would be breaking the school record for shot. I set my goals based on previous meets. All I do is try to improve every meet,” Ellis said.
Being involved in the girls track team means going through many hours of practice, hard work and dedication, but Ellis still finds many positives to look at throughout the season.
“My favorite part of this sport is the people I do it with. My teammates are always uplifting and cheer us on at every meet. The coaches just want us to do our very best and teach us the best way to do it,” Ellis said.
Ellis has had many coaches to help her along the way and to give advice, so she applies these skills to all her meets.
“The best advice I was given was to not try to win every meet, but to do my best every meet and just improve for myself. To prepare for meets I just make sure to not let my nerves get the best of me and try to stay calm,” Ellis said.