One song, performed by Jazz One, included the vocals of Caroline Sieffert (12). Sieffert sang one of the last tunes of the evening titled “Almost Like Being in Love.”
“I’ve always wanted that big band behind me,” said Sieffert.
Sieffert has been singing in front of people for about two years but has no trouble with “pre-performance jitters.”
“In music, I don’t get nervous because I’m confident with what I do,” Sieffert said.
Confidence helps a performer overcome anxiety. Another technique Sieffert uses is blocking out the audience.
“Everything just disappears when I’m doing what I love,” Sieffert said.
Sieffert feeds off the energy of the crowd to enhance her performance. She uses the pressure as a positive aspect of performing.
“It’s all about feeling that incredible adrenaline rush,” Sieffert said.
After her song, there was a high level of applause from the audience.
“I asked myself, ‘Is all this applause really for me?’, ” Sieffert said.