On Wednesday, Dec. 6, the JV and varsity wrestlers took a trip to Valparaiso High School to compete against the Valparaiso Vikings. It was a close call but the Indians took the win with a score of 36-35.
“It’s a really good feeling, representing your school. It’s great to beat someone in front of their home crowd and embarrass them in front of their teammates,” Ean DiPasquo (11) said.
Learning technique and getting stronger isn’t the only way the wrestlers get better, the wrestling team also has talks on what they have to work on.
“We work together really well during practice then we all get together and talk about what we need to work on more. Same thing at meets, we discuss the things we need to work on, improve on to better the team,” Levi Arvin (11) said.
As the boys continue the season, they are trying to become the best to make it all the way to the top.
“Our main goal as a team is to be the most physical team as possible, so just being aggressive and tough and making the other kid just not be on the mat with you,” DiPasquo said.
The next JV and varsity meet will be held at Crown Point on Dec. 9, at 9 A.M.