Students looking for an opportunity to help out the environment can join N-Teens, a club entirely based on community service.
“[N-Teens] is a community service based club, but we also do a lot of social events and we try to make sure the members are active in the community. I think the kids really enjoy the opportunity to help,” Mrs. Kelsey Becich, English, said.
The club is currently going out of their way to focus on donating money and gifts toward Angel Tree, a charity associated with the Salvation Army.
“Angel Tree is a service where we get to spend money and get gifts for kids whose parents don’t necessarily have money to get them gifts. [Angel Tree] gives them a special Christmas,” Bailey Schalk (12) said.
Not only did the opportunity to provide gifts for other children make some their day, students also get to see a different insight on life.
“[Angel Tree] gives the students a little bit of a perspective on their own fortune, as kids who typically don’t experience things like not getting gifts, they get to help other kids enjoy the holiday season in that way,” Mrs. Gabrielle Rapin, Science, said.
Not only does the club help out other people, but it also gives students a sense of pride in their community.
“[I recommend] N-Teens because it gives you a sense of community with helping out and volunteering. Overall it’s just a better way to be involved,” Schalk said.