“Black Panther” follows T’Challa who, after the events of “Captain America: Civil War,” returns to his home of Wakanda. T’Challa is the prince of Wakanda, an isolated, technologically advanced African nation. After the death of his father, King T’Chaka, T’Challa takes his place as King. T’Challa being a royal descendant of a warrior race is also a master of armed combat, able to use a variety of weapons but prefers unarmed combat. He goes to extreme measures to achieve his goals and protect the kingdom of Wakanda.
T’Challa goes to Korea with Nakia, his ex-girlfriend and Okoye, the general, where they battle with guards, embark in a car chase and later capture Klaue, a black-market gangster who worked to expose Wakanda to the rest of the world, with Klaue then stealing Vibranium as a result. Vibranium is a nearly indestructible element that crash landed from outer space onto the African region. The whole nation of Wakanda relies on Vibranium to survive and thrive. T’Challa’s cousin Erik Killmonger, an American black-ops soldier returns to Wakanda to challenge T’Challa for the throne. He defeats T’Challa and takes over Wakanda, and even attempted to become the Black Panther. After he takes the throne, he wishes to continue his father’s plan of providing people of African descent worldwide with weaponry from Wakanda.
I recommend everyone watch Black Panther because it’s an action-packed superhero adventure. It shows strong, honorable characters who all have love and respect for their nation of Wakanda. The film shows how people from any part of the world can work together to overcome obstacles and stick together against enemies. If you’re looking for a funny, action movie then this is it. As princess Shuri says, “Wakanda Forever!”