On Thursday, Sept.13, Environment Club conducted their call out meeting, which was held in Mrs. Julie Shupyrt’s, Science, room. Karisa Candreva (12) and Maisie Westerfield (11) founded the club.
“After taking AP Environmental Science, I realized how much I didn’t know about the environment, and I wanted to share this information with the rest of the school,” Candreva said.
The two officers went over the upcoming meetings and other important information for those who attended. Next meeting will focus on upcycling T-shirts.
“I thought it was really cool that the officers said instead of printing our own T-shirts, we’ll be using used T-shirts that other people have donated,” Gurvir Gill (12) said.
Members were encouraged to follow the club’s Twitter @EnvironmentLC to be updated on future meetings and what’s going on in the club. The next meeting is Thursday, Oct. 4.
“We hope this year the club will inspire students to get more involved in the community and lead a greener life,” Candreva said.