The Rotary Club met Oct. 16, the guest speaker Kimberly Haddad talked about her trip to Dublin. She was able to go on a trip to Dublin with a scholarship she earned through the club. Her brother introduced her to the club, she then joined and earned the scholarship.
“My dad had told my brother about this club awhile ago. He joined and got the same scholarship I did, that is why I decided to join,” Kimberly said.
Being in the Rotary Club has helped Kimberly reach out to business companies. Those companies even offered her a job.
“Since I studied [in Dublin] it increased my chances [of] getting into public companies. I have had companies reach out to me. In fact, I even had companies reached out to me in Dublin,” Kimberly said.
Rob Sues, the president of Dollars For Scholars, is also a member of The Rotary Club. He is on the parent side of DFS, who does the non-profit organizations which help fundraise for scholarships.
“We have our have our major fundraiser events which are the homecoming dance, penny wars, ghouls for schools and the grand march for prom. We have a board of directors who asked me to become president for Dollars for Scholars. I have had this position for two years,” Rob said.
The Rotary club has helped out people when it comes to raising money or succeeding in the future.
“Rotary has sponsored for the last eleven years and gives thousands of dollars a year to help out students get scholarships through Dollars for Scholars ”