Everyone says that the four years in high school fly by, and after going through seven semesters, I agree wholeheartedly.
I vividly remember walking into Lake Central on my first day of freshman year and feeling so overwhelmed and excited at the same time to finally be a high schooler. Now, four years later, I understand how quickly high school has actually gone by.
Change scares me and having only one more semester of high school left is terrifying. I look out onto my future and I don’t know what it holds. I only have 180 days of certainty before my life becomes uncertain.
Right now, it’s a very scary time for me. I keep thinking about all the friends I don’t talk to anymore and all the new friends I have made. I keep reminding myself that this is the last time I’ll have a winter break in high school.
All these thoughts about my future and my past keep running through my mind and I just don’t know what is happening. I’m overwhelmed with everything that’s going on in my life that it’s hard for me to focus on and worry about the small, menial tasks of high school. Is this senioritis? I don’t know, maybe. But, I know I have a mental block that prevents me from caring about things like I should.
Overall, I am done with high school, but I am also savoring every moment I have left and feel reluctant to leave my time at Lake Central behind.