On Feb. 12, the Bell Choirs performed a concert in the auditorium. Grimmer Middle School and Purdue University Bell Choirs also performed alongside them.
“[The concert] was really fun. I know a couple people in the Purdue handbells choir too which made it more fun,” Annika Gorney (10) said.
The concert, which featured many different types of bells, featured many different Halloween songs. The music focused on the harshier noises that bells are capable of making.
“It was kind [similar to] Christmas in July but [instead] Halloween in February,” Kayla Longfield said (10).
For handbell students, the concert was a lot of fun. Many people made memories and had a good experience.
”This is my third year performing at the handbell concert and every year it’s always a good experience,” Gorney said.
Many students attended the concert. They thoroughly enjoyed the music and the spooky theme of the concert.
“I thought the concert was really entertaining and the music itself was satisfying. I thought it was really cool that the Purdue Bells came,” Emilee Barnett (10) said.