“The Call” is a crime/thriller film directed by Brad Anderson, starring Halle Berry, Evie Thompson and Abigail Breslin. This movie is about a 911 operator who takes a heart wrenching call from a young teenage girl who has just been abducted.
Halle Berry plays Jordan Turner, the 911 operator and Abigail Breslin plays Casey Wilson, the young teenage girl. When Jordan gets a call from an abducted teen, Casey Wilson, she is heartbroken. When Jordan realizes this is the same guy that did a similar abduction a few months ago, it left her devastated. Jordan does everything she can to save this girl’s life even if that means sacrificing her life.
Overall, “The Call” is a great movie. According to the ratings on google it got an average of 92%. The movie constantly had me on my toes and did not fail to keep me interested throughout the movie. Even though I thought the movie was done very well, I do think some parts of the movie were cliche to other kidnapping movies. Because the movie was thrilling, this did not make me stop watching the movie.
“The Call” opened in theaters on March 15, 2013. This movie has made 68.6 million dollars from theaters and has a run time of 96 minutes. This movie is definitely worth the watch, even with some cliche scenes, it definitely has an ending that might just surprise you.