Winter formal meetings begin

Mrs. Collard (English) presents what the meeting entails. Collard sponsored many other dances in the past.

Jona Rivera, Echo Co-Editor-in-Chief

   Winter Formal is an exciting event for upperclassmen during the winter season. It takes teamwork to plan an event this big, but the club N-Teens is up for the challenge. One of the Winter Formal Chairs, Kimberly Hestermann (10) shares how N-Teens is trying to make the dance a success.

   “N-Teens is preparing for Winter Formal by having regular meetings to discuss ideas about our visions with the group. When the event gets closer, we will have more meetings after school to make more decisions and decide other details,” Hesterman said. 

   The club met up on Oct. 9 in room E202 to relay ideas for the dance. At the meeting, students voted on different topics like the theme, decor, entertainment and music. As of now, the dance is themed to be a “Winter Wonderland.”

   “The company in charge of the dj, music and lights had a representative come to this meeting to discuss our ideas. We want to have fake snow, snowflake lights, snow globe centerpieces, and other winter-themed decorations prominent throughout the dance,” Hestermann said.

   With over 60 members, N-Teens is making the process of planning a school dance as smooth as possible. The cooperation of the members aids the progression of the planning. 

   “Personally, I have been contributing to Winter Formal by coming to every meeting, helping generate ideas, and hopefully volunteering more to help with the dance,” Noelle Quiroga (10) said. 

   Winter Formal provides a time of enjoyment during the cold months. To make the dance an entertaining night, the members aim to individually make an effort toward the planning. 

   “My goals for Winter Formal would be for everyone attending the dance to have a good time. In the end, people just want to have fun and spend time with their friends,” Elizabeth Solis (10) said.