A family for many

Annaliese Nelson, Print Staff

   Members of the Gay-Straight Alliance Club met on Thursday, Dec. 5, in room E120. They meet every Thursday after school until three. During GSA students talk about the past week they had and have discussions and sometimes presentations. 

   “The usual meeting consists of us doing highs and lows of our weeks. Then we either have a presentation or do open discussions,” River Contreras (10) said. 

   Students joined GSA to feel safe and create close bonds with other students. Many of the students feel like they have a family to talk to and be open with. 

   “I joined GSA to be a part of a community. I came out back in June of this year and I really didn’t know anyone of the LGBTQ community. So I wanted to make some friends and have a family,” Nick Winarski (10) said.  

   Students of this club have many favorite things about it, from game night to the different discussions they have. 

   “My favorite thing about the club is the discussions we have. Sometimes members will make their own presentations about any topic. We’ve had members do presentations from LGBTQ+ characters in cartoons to more serious topics, like experiences of being a bisexual POC,” Contreras said. 

   During this meeting, one student did a presentation over LGBTQ characters in literature and then the members shared a heartfelt discussion over mental health and the many ways to stay healthy. 

   “We are always there to help no matter what. It’s really great to have people there for you, especially when they agree with our choices,” Winarski said.