Hump day thoughts


Kevin Aharrah, Design Editor

 Since Oct. 14, Lake Central has implemented an early-release schedule to be used on Wednesdays, which reduces the length of the school session by 90 minutes.  This change provides teachers with the equivalent of one regular-length class period to prepare lessons and materials.  But exactly how much of a benefit does this change provide, and do students and teachers agree it is a good idea?

   “During the new break period I work on creating a new curriculum for the e-learner students, and future assessments for my classes.  I do like that we have an extra ‘period’ for teacher duties,” Mrs. Katelin Ellis, Science, said.

   For teachers, the break period allows time to perform non-educational tasks.  This was one of the primary intentions of the new schedule, and they agree that it works well for this purpose.

   “During this time I grade papers/playing tests, update calendars, take care of orders/PO, conference calls, e.t.c.  The list is never ending,” Elliot Smith, Music, said.

   The teachers appear to view the new break period neutrally or as a minor benefit, although the changes haven’t been substantial enough to warrant an abundance of outcry or applause.  Even so, it comes as an aid to teachers who have to manage two groups of students at once and take precautions against COVID-19, in addition to the normal burden of teaching classes and managing assignments.

  “Honestly, I’m kind of indifferent on this schedule,” Smith said.

   Students aren’t the primary beneficiaries of the new Wednesday schedule, but they’ve still been willing to share their thoughts on the topic.  It offers students the leisure of slightly more time to work and rest, and it benefits in-person learners by reducing the amount of time students must be in contact with one another.

   “I personally enjoy the early releases because it gives me more time to [do] homework and more free time throughout the week.  It’s not a necessary change just because I’ve heard no teacher really say anything nice about it whatsoever, but it benefits the students,” Logan Yugo (12) said.

   Reduced time for teachers to present material in class, and initial confusion with the new Wednesday times, are among a few of its issues.  In spite of this, the positives have outweighed the negatives of shortened class periods, and the new Wednesday schedule is a good idea overall, according to the students and teachers interviewed.

   “It allows the students to have a little more time to either study and do homework, or have more free time to do whatever they please.  For the teachers it’s good because they’re able to plan their lessons according with more time and not in a rush, which helps for us because they’re able to know the material better, which can benefit our studying over the material. My overall opinion is that I like the early release, and I think lots of other students would say the same because, at the end of the day, our classes are shortened and we get to home earlier,” Perry Pappas (12) said.