Everything You Need to Know About the Biden-Harris COVID-19 Action Plan
Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and President-elect Joe Biden celebrate with supporters after declaring victory in the presidential election at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Delaware, on Saturday, Nov. 7, 2020. (Carolyn Cole/Los Angeles Times/TNS)
December 7, 2020
- The Biden Administration plans to reform Donald Trump’s COVID-19 testing process to help generate widespread access to all U.S. citizens.
The future Biden-Harris Administration plans to duplicate the number of drive-through testing locations to further create ubiquitous access. Additionally, the administration proposes to standardize and scale up COVID testing by funding projects that are producing testing kits – instant testing delivered to one’s doorstep. They also plan on creating a Pandemic Testing Board that will help toward this goal.
- They will address, unravel and solve the controversy and problems surrounding PPE, or personal protective equipment, such as masks or face shields.
Through the Defense Production Act, the administration proposed to create a high supply – much higher than the demand – of PPE to ensure every state, community or household that is hit hard by the virus has the necessary resources. By doing so, the country will be self-dependent when in demand for protective equipment, a more reliable foundation to defeat this virus. Certain areas within the nation that have been proven to be vulnerable following a crisis will be close to fully replenished with the sanctioning of this act.
- With this plan, they want to provide a detailed, evidenced-based guide for the American people to follow.
Social distancing will not be taken lightly. Joe Biden will direct the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (aka CDC) to provide information for when to turn the dial for social distancing up and down depending on the risk of the situation. This includes opening or closing certain restaurants, schools or businesses when necessary. Step-by-step plans will be made to keep classrooms and facilities safe. The pair will also be providing a “restart package.” This will help small business owners cover the costs of certain measures needed to open safely, including plexiglass and PPE.
- They will make a plan of action to effectively distribute treatments and vaccines.
The administration will invest $25 billion in a vaccine manufacturing and distribution plan that every American citizen will be guaranteed. They believe that politics should play no role in the health and safety of others. Ensuring citizens from different economic backgrounds receive the protection and care they need is their main concern.
- The pair has also vocalized their disapproval for how President Donald Trump has regarded high-risk Americans.
To protect those of ethnicities most susceptible to the virus’s deadliest effects, Senator Harris has proposed a COVID-19 Racial and Ethnic Disparities Task Force. When the pandemic concludes, it will permanently become an Infectious Disease Racial Disparities Task Force. To help Americans understand the level of severity the virus is in their local communities, the President-elect and Vice President-elect have suggested the Nationwide Pandemic Dashboard which would operate via zip code.
- To prevent another outside disease from reaching the United States, both Biden and Harris have presented various forms of restoration.
In 2018, Donald Trump terminated the White House National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense, which was put into place during the Obama-Biden Administration. Biden and Harris plan on reviving this council to assist in developing a proper response as a nation to future global threats, along with the current COVID-19 virus. Additionally, the Biden Administration wants to revitalize this nation’s relationship with the World Health Organization – a vital factor for a global response to something as menacing as this virus.
- As the variation in nation and statewide mask mandates fluctuated during the stages of the pandemic, President-elect Joe Biden has urged that Americans help take part in the effort to stop the spread.
All Americans should wear a mask when near others or outside in public places and all governors shall make it mandatory. Local authorities should also remain to enforce the proposed mandates to preserve their effectiveness.