Growing Staff
February 4, 2022
Schools around the world are always growing in numbers. At Lake Central, students outnumber the staff by a pretty large margin, so new staff can be very important.
Many different things come along when you come to a new school especially with COVID and masks, being a thing all in-person learners have had to deal with. A lot of controversy also surrounds the topic and is still an ongoing discussion within schools.
“I don’t think many people enjoy wearing masks, however, it is important to keep everyone safe. The pandemic has made everyone a little more cautious when it comes to social interactions. I feel like the pandemic and mask wearing has made it more difficult to get to know my students and for them to get to know me, but we’re working on it,” Mrs. Abigail Drzewiecki, Art, said.
The block schedule has been implemented at Lake Central for many years now. Mrs. Drzewieki, a former teacher at Kahler Middle School, isn’t used to the block schedule because her former school had a eight class periods a day. The block schedule has four periods that are extended instead of eight shorter periods.
“When I first started here, I was nervous about the block scheduling. I had only taught eight period days at Kahler and Boone Grove before this. However, I actually really like it. It allows us to really get into our projects instead of instruction, a few minutes to work, then clean up. It’s really helpful for studio classes, especially ceramics. It is also more similar to a college schedule, so it helps prepare students for after high school,” Mrs. Drzewiecki said.