Communicating with the Cafeteria Staff

Kai Blankenship, Print Team Leader

   The cafeteria staff are around students on a daily basis. Whether the students are sitting in the lunch room or walking past the free breakfast kiosk, cafeteria workers are there. Despite their consistent presence, students generally know very little about what actually happens behind the scenes.

   “I’ve worked here for seven years. I am a product specialist, so the cook. I started as a cafeteria assistant in 2015 because all four of my children were in the school system,” Mrs. Kelly Murphy, Product Specialist, said.

   These employees have a variety of responsibilities, from preparing the food, to keeping the lunchroom clean. Murphy describes how students can help the cafeteria staff by showing respect for the area around them.

   “You see some students throwing things in the cafeteria and that’s a lot of work on the women who work out there to go and pick it up and clean it. If everyone took respect in the cafeteria area and cleaned up their own messes and was polite, it would make everyone’s day go smoother,” Mrs. Murphy said.

   Despite certain hardships, Murphy enjoys working in the cafeteria. She likes running the breakfast kiosk and bonding with some of the students she sees daily.

   “My favorite thing about my job is the students and getting to know everyone. Having kids in the corporation, I know a lot of their friends and stuff like that. I like smiling right when they get off the bus and being the first face that they see. I’m one of them that works at the kiosk, so I’m getting to know these kids and what they’re eating every day and having it ready,” Mrs. Murphy said.