Honoring and Remembering

Abbey O’Neill, Print Team Leader

   On Nov. 10, students, Veterans and staff gathered in the main gym to celebrate Veterans Day. The Veterans and their families started out the morning with a breakfast that the cafeteria staff made. Then everyone made their way to the main gym for the Veterans Day Program Mrs. Amanda Schuyler, History, provided. 

   “It is truly an honor and humbling experience to stand before the hundreds of Veterans of our great community who join us here today on behalf of the Lake Central High School Community. I would like to thank all of the Veterans for attending, especially, our Gold Star Families whose family members made the ultimate sacrifice for our country,” Mrs. Schuyler said. 

   Georgios Koultourides (12), the master of ceremonies, started off with introducing the Pipes and Drums of the Lake County Sheriff’s Departments and asking all the students and staff to stand and clap their hands for the Veterans. The Eagle Scouts and Boys Scouts of America Troop 532 then did the posting of the colors. 

   “I urge you all to pay attention to our program as you may learn something new about Veterans Day and the heroes we honor during this program now,” Koultourides said. 

   The Wind Ensemble, led by Elliott Smith, Music, then played the National Anthem. This led to the Eagle and Boy Scouts to present the official folding of the flag and Matt Berry, Scout Master, explained what each fold meant.  

   “The third fold is made in honor and tribute of the veteran departing our ranks and who gave a portion of his or her life for the defense of our country to attain peace,” Berry said. 

   Videos were then played in honor of the soldiers that fought and served. The Concert Choir, led by Nathaniel Jones, Music, sang the “Armed Forces Medley”. For each branch of the military they sang for those Veterans that belonged to it to stood and were recognized. After the Concert Choir sang, Mr. Marty Zigowitz, 2017 to 2018 American Legion State Commander, and Mrs. Roseanne Zigowitz, 2021 to 2022 American Legion Auxiliary, introduced each Armed Forces Flags and the students that carried them. Mrs. Zigowitz then demonstrated the recognition of the POWs and MIAs, with Mr. Zigowitz explaining what each item means. 

   The table is small symbolizing the Frailty of one prisoner alone against his or her suppressors. The tablecloth is white symbolic of the purity of their intentions to respond to their country’s Call to Arms,” Mr. Zigowitz said. 

  Tom Clark, former History teacher, spoke about his family that have been a part of the military and their branches and how they impacted him. He then handed the microphone over to Patrick O’Donnell, Veteran, who informed everyone about the many Veterans that are now on the street and don’t have any homes. 

    “We are fighting for homeless Veterans at any given time. There’s 33,136 Veterans out there that are homeless or living in somebody else’s house and sleeping on the couch. We will continue to fight for them so that no Veteran will be left unattended and have a place to stay,” O’Donnell said.