All-In Until the End

Sam Rhody, Comet Photo Editor

   On Thursday, Dec. 15, the basketball team faced Hanover Central. Lake Central was first with the ball and first with a basket, but Hanover was quick to retaliate. Since both teams were playing their best, players could not let off on defense or offense. It was tied at halftime, but the boys came back determined to win.

   “We had to stay composed, have fun, and get revenge. We knew it was going to be a close one. We needed to stay together, play for each other and play with a purpose,” Myles Yekich (12) said.

   With this in mind, the boys pulled ahead in the third quarter and came out to win it 53 to 38. Their mental states helped to bring them to this outcome along with their preparations earlier in the week and the team’s support of each other. 

   “We knew it wasn’t going to be very easy because they have been playing solid this year and have a solid record, but we expected ourselves to do better than we did. We worked on getting on people’s shoulders on defense to get through flares because we knew they set a lot of them from the film we watched. [At halftime,] we didn’t panic surprisingly. We were all helping each other out [and] letting each one of us know that we can play better,” Mitchell Milausnic (12) said.