Final-ly Done with the First Semester

Brooke Follrad, Web Content Editor in Chief

   Finals week took place from Dec. 19 to Dec. 22. This school year is the first full year of normal school procedures. All finals are to be taken in person and without the help of Covid-prompted tools, like notes or over google meets. 

   “We actually never took finals in middle school because our teacher decided not to due to the weird learning time during Covid. It was fine [taking them], although it was more difficult than I thought it would be. Some of them were hard, but most were easy,” Cameron Barry (9) said.

   Now that students are expected to have complete pre-covid lives, they are taking on some responsibilities that they may have not previously.

   ¨It is hard just trying to balance all the homework with [activities] outside of school and trying to study,¨ Sofia Contro (11) said.

   Although all grades can feel this way, junior year is notorious for being a loaded year with academics. Some say that there is a transition from junior year pressures to the senior year final sprint.

   ¨I honestly just don’t have too many finals. I have tests in French, English, and Precalc, and they are all classes I do very good in. If you had asked me last year, though, my answer would be completely different,¨ Victoria Olabintan (12) said.

   In order to help students manage their stress levels during this time in the semester, administration worked with LCTV to post “12 Days of Destress” videos. This allowed students to learn about how to cope with the high stress levels, restore confidence within themselves and maintain a joyous mindset.

   “One of my main priorities as your principal is to make this a very positive, happy environment for everyone to be in, whether you’re a teacher, a staff member, a student, or a part of our administration team. I want this to be a happy, positive place for everyone to come to everyday. If you haven’t noticed by now, I try to start everyday with some sort of positive message just to help you realize that you’ve got two choices: you can look on the positive side of things or you can look on the negative side of things. It’s always best to focus on the positive,” Erin Novak (Principal) said in “12 Days of Destress: Day Ten”.