Gathering into the main gym, students attended the winter pep rally on Jan. 26. The assembly consisted of the All Stars, Dance team, Cheer team, pep band, and Junior versus Senior basketball game. Student Greyson Daray (11) began the All Stars game for the white team.
“My favorite part was when I stole the ball and scored the point. I then helped my teammate Jacob Ruesken (12) score a point,” Daray said.
On the sidelines, students would cheer and encourage others during the event. Finishing in a close score, the All Stars game ended with the blue team winning 22 to 20.
“It was really fun watching everyone play basketball with the energy in the crowd while being in the front row,” Chris Gavin (12) said.
Following the first game, both the cheer and dance teams performed allowing the transition into the senior versus junior game. For the first half, the senior girls and junior girls played against each other.
“It was really exciting just to play against some of my friends from both the senior and junior class and score some points,” Kate Renschen (11) said.
Finishing the first half of the game, the seniors were in the lead 8 to 4. Taking the energy up a notch, the boys senior team won the game 23 to 8.
“When me and David got on the court, it was so cool. We played basketball together at the YMCA, so when we both shot three-pointers it was awesome,” Colin Polovina (12) said.