Run, turkey, run

Mrs. Terri Budlove, Business, has a case of sticky fingers.

Sydney Thompson and lakecentralnews

The annual food drive has swept over Lake Central, but a more competitive approach has just been taken. Mrs. Terri Budlove, Business, has stolen Mr. Tom Clark’s, Social Studies, turkey. This plastic turkey is said to represent Mrs. Budlove.

“Mr. Clark has had this plastic turkey in his room for a couple years now and put on name on the turkey because my business students have always beaten his class in the food drive. Students are telling me that he is punting the turkey around the room, throwing it in the garbage and calling it names so one of my advanced business students asked if they could go steal the turkey,” Mrs. Budlove said.

Mrs. Budlove plotted with her 7th hour Advanced Business class on Thursday Oct. 10. They devised a plan to have the students distract Mr. Clark, while Mrs. Budlove would run in the class and steal the turkey.

“A couple of the kids decided to pose as LC Publications kids, so they went into Mr. Clark’s room to ask if they could interview him. That group was supposed to take him out of his room while another group was supposed to go in and get the turkey. It didn’t work out that way,” David Kelly (12) said.

The students regrouped in Mrs. Budlove’s room and started planning again. Mrs. Budlove knew that Mr. Clark loves the camera, so she told her students to take a picture of him with the turkey. All 35 advanced business students went down to Mr. Clark’s room, while the “publication students” asked to take a picture of the turkey in front of the room. Mr. Clark then stated that the turkey wasn’t good enough to be on his desk, so he threw it in the garbage. Mrs. Budlove knew this was her cue.

“A group of students made a wall outside of his room to block him after I ran out with the turkey. After Mr. Clark threw the turkey in the garbage, I went into the room, grabbed the turkey as fast as possible, my class ran up to my room and we locked the door,” Mrs. Budlove said.

Not only was the turkey stolen, but it now has its own website and Twitter page. Students can use the website in order to donate to the food drive or follow the turkey on Twitter to see pictures on where the turkey has been hiding around the school. Donations can be made to the student’s 6th hour class by adding a comment and putting the 6th hour teacher’s name.

“After we stole the turkey, our whole class decided to make the Twitter page. We thought it would be a really good way to get the word out about the fundraiser while still being funny since it was about the turkey,” Kelly said.

The food drive and donations will continue until Nov. 26.