Diving teams take top three against Chesterton

Abby Peppin and lakecentralnews

On Jan. 14, the diving team faced off against the Chesterton Trojans. Although Chesterton is a big rival, the diving team was not concerned with their competition.

The Indians fell short to the Trojans. The score for the girls was 127-59, Chesterton with the win. The boys’ score was 135 to 51 with Chesterton taking the victory.

The meet was the team’s first meet in the new pool. As usual, the diving team warmed up, which always helps with pre-meet nerves..

“I was nervous just because it was like every other meet, not because we were facing Chesterton,” Hannah Leyba (10) said.

The Chesterton diving team did not match the skill that the Lake Central divers have.

“There is always room for improvement, whether it is learning more dives or becoming better at the ones that are already known,” Leyba said.

The boys and girls diving team placed in the top three spots out of the six competitors. Even with the divers’ victory, it was not enough to give the Indians a win over the Trojans. With this loss, new goals have been set.

Ryan Bertossi (11) has been out due to a muscle spasm in his back. Even though he did not dive, he has already set goals for when he gets back in the pool.

“There are four boy divers and only three are chosen to go to postseason. My goal is to be one of those three to make it to conference and Sectionals,” Bertossi said.

The next meet will be the Duneland Athletic Conference on Jan. 18 for the girls and the boys’ DAC will be the weekend of Feb. 1.