Creativity sparks the mind of student

Alexis Curatolo holds up her most recent drawing of a butterfly sitting on a girl’s hand. It took Curatolo about an hour to complete this drawing.

Every person has a way to express himself or herself in creative way, and Alexis Curatolo’s (9) way is through her drawings. With a busy life of school and Centralettes, Curatolo has been changing the way she spends her free time with a piece of blank paper and her pencil.

“There are a lot of things going on in my life and drawing helps me focus and unleash all of the creativity that I have. It helps me express who I am without using words,” Curatolo said.

Curatolo realized that she had a talent in fifth grade art class. After that she started to consider art more seriously.

“At first it started out as doing little doodles on all my papers during school, and then over time in art class I was getting compliments from people and over the years I decided that I should teach myself how to draw,” Curatolo (9) said.

Out of all Curatolo’s drawings, choosing a favorite was not an easy task, but it wasn’t an impossible decision to make.

“[My favorite drawing] is of a teenage girl looking out into emptiness. I like the messy bun and all the flowers around it,” Curatolo (9) said.

Curatolo draws many things from portraits to flowers, but has one drawing in mind to help her reach her ultimate goal in art.

“[My dream drawing is to create] the most realistic portrait that you could draw. I am working on one right now and slowly improving it,” Curatolo (9) said.

With so much potential already apparent, Curatolo plans on continuing her art in the future and wants keep improving.

“I do hope to get into a good art school in college. I want to go somewhere with it whether it’s art or fashion,” Curatolo said. “Me and my best friend, Sugar Fane, are planning to go to an art college together. I was suggesting going to the Art Institute in Chicago or somewhere in California.”