40-day sacrifice

Hannah Reed and Hannah Reed

Lent is the 40-day period before Easter–observed in some Christian churches as a period of prayer, penance, fasting and self-denial. Translated into non-religious terms, it’s the time when people give up the things they like, but don’t necessarily need, as a sign of devotion.

“My religion doesn’t do Lent, but I do because I chose to. This year I gave up Twitter, fast food and pop,” Krista Vos (11) said.

High school is the time to discover yourself. When it comes down to Lent and other religious holidays, some students don’t celebrate.

“I don’t celebrate Lent because I haven’t been a part of any church for a long time. I just don’t have a structured religion, I didn’t grow up with religion so I never really adapted it into my daily life,” Gabrielle Frigo (11) said.


Whether you celebrate it or not, one may hear people talk about the sacrifices they’re making during the 40 days.