Sophomore Class Cabinet meets to discuss fundraising

Lauren Granskog (10) and Brittney Busby (10) listen attentively to Ms. Sivak at the beginning at the meeting. They stayed until the meeting was at an end.

Shannon Hearne and Shannon Hearne

A Sophomore Class Cabinet meeting was held on March 5 from 2:30-3:30 p.m. in room C206. The meeting was held by advisers Ms. Stephanie Sivak, English, and Mrs. Allison Peda, English, to discuss fundraising. While doing so, the members suggested that there were still bandannas are left over from tailgate in hopes of being able to reuse some of their resources.

“We are considering putting them for sale again to fundraise for sophomore class, but haven’t adopted that for sure. We are considering selling these because we already have them leftover from tailgate, they sold somewhat well and students can take advantage of using them for sporting events,” Mrs. Sivak said.

While other ideas were put forth, most of the members favored this idea.

“The bandannas are really the best idea for us now. We already have them and will be looking for ways to use them to promote school spirit,” Allison Peda, English, said .

The meeting ended after this short conference and will meet again in about two weeks to possibly put their plan into action.