Honoring Winter athletes

Erin Dosen and Erin Dosen

Lake Central hosted the annual Winter Sports Banquet on the evening of March 13. Every year, athletes wait to be recognized for the accomplishments they made that year.

“It was the usual — all of the coaches gave their normal speeches and then we separated. It was well-organized for being rescheduled,” Joshua Barajas (11) said.

This year, the date of the banquet was pushed back one day due to the snow day on March 12.

“The food is always great and I love how formal it is. I think they did a really great job of putting it together this year,” Tara Zlotkowski (11) said.

However, the setup was just like every other year and ran as smoothly as possible, as if there was no delay at all. There is a dinner for all athletes that begins at 6 p.m. Then, an announcement guides all the athletes and directors into the main gym where each sport is introduced.

“It was shorter than last year, which is better. Our coach said just enough about our team that was short, sweet and to the point,” Gina Rubino (11) said.

Each coach speaks for their specific team and recognizes specific players according to special recognitions, awards, etc. Once each coach is finished speaking, the teams break off into separate rooms to receive their awards.

“I think that all of Lake Central’s athletics did big things this year and you can tell how hard everyone worked,” Jamiere Wilson (11) said.