Putting time to the test

Between snow days, delays and early dismissals, the third grading period of the year has been one filled with chaos. Although the time frame for the third quarter was extended, students and teachers are still scrambling to wrap up the nine weeks.

“This week is going to be intense. In my schedule I have a lot going on. I feel like the teachers are feeling pressure to get everything done even though we have those extra days added in,” Kayla Hallowell (11) said.

Pressure is right. Some students have the added stress of ending their athletic seasons on a high note, while keeping their grades a priority.

“[The last-minute testing] makes me mad. [For] dancers it’s harder to catch up on grades, stay on task and make up work. Even if we’re not done with the chapter, teachers are still making us take the test,” Courtney Carlson (11) said.

Originally the grading period was scheduled to end March 14, but it was extended due to a lack of classroom time. Some students are using this extra time to their benefit.

“I’m glad they pushed [the grading period] back to give us a chance to boost our grades up. I’m excited the grading period is ending though,” Sarah Diviney (10) said.