On Friday, Aug. 22, Mrs. Roberta Harnish’s, Science, Anatomy classes performed rat dissections. As students began their first dissections of the year, they had mixed reactions in response to the experiment.
“The smell was the worst part. Everything else you get used to, except for the smell … but [the dissection] wasn’t as bad as I thought,” Marina Vasquez (11) said.
Because the thought of dissections worried some, different methods were used to calm unsettled nerves. Some students went as far as preparing the night before.
“I was really nervous. The night before I looked up videos on YouTube to prepare myself,” Vivian Diaz (11) said.
Students each took away a different experience from performing the lab. Some gained not only knowledge, but insight as to what careers may be in their future.
“[I want to be a] medical examiner because I enjoyed the lab. Hands-on is better,” said Samantha Lane (11).