On Friday, Oct. 3, the students and teachers came together on homecoming to show off club banners and present the king and queen of the year. Several students and staff members marched onto the field.
Many of the clubs spent a decent amount of time constructing their banners, including Science Olympiad. Instead of only using the banner once, they are able to reuse it for their competitions and tournaments.
“They had a blast with [making the banners.] It was to the point where it started out and they were doing everything, and then when we were at a regional tournament they finished it and put the indian head on it. This goes everywhere with us now, so any competition and anything we do, we put it up,” Mrs. Mary Joan Martin, Science, said.
After the clubs presented their banners, the homecoming court candidates made their way out onto the field. There were about 28 candidates in the court, but some of them did not even anticipate being there, including nominee Nick Kiepura (12).
“Once they announced my name I didn’t even hear any of the girls’ [names], I didn’t know who [else] was nominated,” Kiepura said.
After all of the court members were on the field, Kiepura and Emma Hupp (12) were announced as the 2014 homecoming king and queen. They were showered with the flash of cameras and a wave of cheering from the crowd.
“Oh my God, this is awesome, I mean just the chance to be on court. I wasn’t expecting it at all,” Hupp said.