On Thursday Nov. 20, the Lake Central Theater Company performed an adapted form of William Shakespeare’s “As You Like It” in the LGI. Families and friends gathered at 7 p.m. to support the company in its preparation for the contest play.
The company will travel to Lafayette on Dec. 6 for Regionals. If the cast and crew make it past Regionals, they will continue to the State level. A little over two months were spent on rehearsals, as rehearsals were held on Mondays and Wednesdays.
“I think we did surprisingly well considering the amount of time we had to get ready for performing,” Nicole Heusman (11) said.
One of the lead performers was Theodoros Karras (9) as Orlando, the youngest son of Sir Rowland de Boys. He was able to balance this role and his role in “The Sparrow” last month.
“I felt honored, honestly, because [I was] working with all seniors and juniors. I thought it was a cool experience to understand what [acting with them] is like,” Karras (9) said.
The cast had to perform using Shakespearean language. Some struggled because of inexperience, while those with more experience were more comfortable with the language.
“[The Shakespeare language] wasn’t difficult for me because I did “Drum Taps” last year, and it was easy because I had previous training of learning of poetry,” Nicole Heusmann (11) said.
The cast will perform “As You Like It” next on Saturday, Nov. 22 in the LGI.