On Nov. 19, Bethany Adney (9) and Kristina Adney (9) attended their first day at Lake Central. For any student, the first day can be terrifying, especially when it involves a school with over 3,000 students and starting in the middle of a semester. Even when it seems like everything will not go well, having a twin can help make the day less of a challenge.
“Having a twin makes it easier because she may remember stuff that I have forgotten, and we have the same classes. We are not afraid to talk to each other, and we always text each other if we are lost so that makes it much easier,” Kristina Adney said.
It can be a hassle for new students to understand how the block-matrix schedule works, and to find a beneficial way of maneuvering from class to class.
“At first, I was nervous about getting around because this school is bigger than the one in Portage, but I got around fine. The guidance counselor gave us tours. Friday [Nov. 20] was a little more difficult due to it being a white day instead of a blue day,” Bethany Adney said.