Choir had a concert on Wednesday, March 9. All of the choirs performed along with the Counterpoints and Trebleaires.
“The concert went really well. Some of the pieces were really hard and the fact that we pulled them together was surprising,” Amy Denton (10) said.
The choir went to the ISSMA contest and competed. At the concert, all of the ISSMA Gold medalists were featured between each of the choirs.
“I think it was a fantastic idea. I enjoy it because I am a Gold medalist and it’s worth the time and effort not only to get a medal [but to] get awarded. You also get the honor to sing in front of a crowd and get practice, which is good for an up and coming artist,” George Gundelach (10) said.
Senior Treble got to pick out one song for the concert. They picked “Amazing Grace”, which has eight parts. Each part of the song had four people.
“My favorite song was ‘Amazing Grace’ because Senior Treble worked really hard on it. It’s eight different parts and it’s one of the hardest pieces. It went well and we were all really proud of it,” Sneha Shatish (10) said.
Concert Choir sang a song that didn’t have a pitch or music. The song is called “Geographical Fugue.”
“It was very difficult. I think we did very [well]. That is the number one piece that people cannot do. We actually got through the song at the concert,” Caleb Zapata (10) said.