With less than a month until AP exams, students have been studying to score high on their exams. Mrs. Amanda Schuyler, one of the AP Human Geography teachers, gave some studying tips for passing AP exams.
- “Break down the class (what units covered).
- Come up with game plan (when to study, what to study, how long to study, how many days prior to the AP exam).
- Figure out areas of strengths and weaknesses (take a diagnostic test to help figure this out).
- Once the strengths and weaknesses are determined guide studying based on that (what vocabulary should be reviewed, what key principles).
- Give yourself plenty of time to study – Don’t cram!
- Create a study group (meet at school, Starbucks, Panera and break down the material. Create outlines. By breaking up the material among people each person can focus on one unit or area and then pass out the most important material to the others).
- Take practice tests, quizzes, writing prompts (whatever your specific AP test entails).
- Week prior to the test – review your weakest areas.
- The night before – Do nothing, sleep, relax! Know that you have done everything in your power to prepare for the test!” Mrs. Schuyler said.
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