The Lady Indians played the Chesterton Trojans on the chilly evening of Apr. 26 at 4:30 p.m. The game ended with a score of 9-9. The team played hard, but ended just short of winning the game.
“In the seventh inning we were down five runs and no one really thought that we were going to come back, but we kept going run after run and we came back,” Jessi Kiefor (10) said.
The team had some difficulty playing on defense because of how cold the weather was. The weather made it difficult for players to get a good grip on the ball in their glove.
“Defensively [the game] was a little struggle for all of us because we were all making errors. When the ball hit the glove, it would just pop out because I was so cold,” Kiefor said.
The team plays away against Portage High School on April 27 at 4:30 p.m.