Q: How does this new schedule fit with your schedule for basketball?
A: With the Wednesday [traditional day], I have a ton of homework, and then we get out [of basketball practice] at 5 p.m., which sucks because then I end up working on homework really late.
Q: Does the new resource period help you finish most of your homework?
A: Yes [the resource period helps] especially with French and Chemistry.
Q: Do you see an improvement with your grades?
A: Yes! I have all A’s right now, and I hope the resource period with help keep this up.
Q: Do you think the resource period is going to help during finals?
A: It will really help because you can see your teachers, and I’ll have extra time to study too.
Q: Are your days more stressful on Wednesdays?
A: No, they are actually easier for me because the day goes by quicker.
Q: About how long does it take you to complete your homework?
A: [It takes me] about 30 minutes to an hour[to complete my homework].
Q: Do you manage your time better with this schedule?
A: Yes, because I have to finish my homework quicker.