Because of the sweeping effects donating blood can have on another person’s life, National Honor Society hosted their annual blood drive on Friday, Sept. 23.
“We try to have as many students and adults sign up to donate blood as possible. I believe that [the blood] stays local, and it is sent to local hospitals and clinics. Every time someone needs a transfusion or has surgery, it will replace the blood they have lost,” Ms. Rhonda York, English, said.
The effect of a student’s donation is especially germane to today’s current situation.
“We have such a big population at the school that it is easy to have a blood drive here and pull people in. The students are surprisingly helpful. There is a blood shortage right now because of Zika. It actually disqualifies a lot of people from donating, so they really need blood right now,” York said.
The idea of saving lives fuels students desires to donate blood.
“There’s no effort in giving blood. I have blood to give to people, so why not give? This was my first time giving blood, and [after donating] I feel pretty good. It was a good experience, and I am glad I am helping people,” Rebecca Ashby (11) said.
Giving blood is not the only way students can contribute to blood drive. National Honor Society members can also volunteer to work at the drinks and snacks table at the event.
“I decided to volunteer today because I knew there would be a lot of people donating blood and instead of giving blood, I thought that I could make a difference by helping at the blood drive,” Alexa Szatkowski (12) said.