On Wednesday, Dec. 21, the Art Club met in C227 for their holiday celebration before winter break. Many students attended to get away from the stress of finals and ease their tension.
“I came here today because I enjoy art. We’re doing watercolor right now, so it helps relieve stress because it releases all the tension and gets your mind off of a lot of things. I’m not worried about my final tomorrow. I feel comfortable and confident and it helps me release all that stress I felt before and forget about it,” Giovanna Martin (10) said.
Art Club allows students to get out of the daily routine of school once a month and be creative. Students are able to connect and learn new techniques and create things and express themselves.
“I like creating things and I never really get to do it as much as I did when I was little. During my childhood, before I went to school I would always do things like this and just feel really relieved. I didn’t what stress was then but I was really happy and it brings me back to when I was little and I would do stuff like this with my mom,” Kaylie Katsiris (10) said.
Mrs. Maureen Yaeger, Art, hosts the art club and teaches the students new techniques necessary for their projects every month. Anyone who is interested in art is encouraged to join.
“I think everyone should come because even if you don’t have an interest in art, it relieves a lot of stress and it’s fun and a new way to meet people and experience things,” Giovanna Martin (10) said.