On Friday, April 13, Dr. Dustin Verpooten’s AP Biology classes participated in dissections.
“It was really interesting to see how things actually work inside an organism as opposed to seeing them on a screen or on a textbook and that was a really cool experience to have,” Sydney Potpora (11) said.
Prior to the day of the actual dissections, students were required to choose the animal they would be dissecting and do research about them. The options included sharks, pigs, rabbits, stingrays and frogs. This included finding instructions for the dissection and choosing and finding different organs in the body.
“I thought it was interesting, but my group dissected the pigeon so we had to pluck off the wet feathers and when we opened it up, there was food that was chewed up so that was a little gross, but overall I thought it was cool,” Clairese Urchell (12) said.
The day of the dissections, students moved to a separate lab room and got in their groups, making sure that they were equipped with gloves, gowns and the different tools that they would need to be successful in the dissections.
“The most difficult part was cutting up the pigeon because it was not a straight incision. We had to cut around the outside of the bird’s chest so we wouldn’t cut any of the organs,” Urchell said.
While some were excited to be hands on and discover the many different organs in the animal’s body, others tried to refrain from having to cut anything open and allowed their group members to take over.