The Student Council held a meeting on Dec. 5 in the LGI. The council discussed topics such as the color run, future meeting dates and a Target trip during PTE.
“The Target trip is just a fun day. We take all the money that the students raised through mostly chocolate sales and one restaurant fundraiser, divide it among the amount of students on the trip, and spend it on toys/gift items that will then be donated to the Salvation Army for their Angel Tree program. It’s a great feeling to know that because of our efforts, the shelves of the Salvation Army will be filled with items to be contributed to families in need,” Mrs. Grozek (English) said.
The Student Council works for multiple fundraisers, including the Angel Tree program.
“The target run we [Student Council] do is a part of the Angel Tree fundraiser which is our first semester event. During the first semester we raise money selling chocolate boxes to the student body. We raised over 6,000 dollars doing that. Next, we took the gift requests from Salvation Army, and we went to Target and used up all of that money to buy toys, art supplies, makeup and clothes for a range of ages starting from a couple months old to age 13. I really enjoy participating in this fundraiser because I get to give back to the community in a club with several of my friends,” Katie Poncin (11) said.
The Student Council members have many responsibilities that they work on throughout the year.
“I sell chocolate bars, buy angel tree gifts, volunteer for the color run and participate in fundraisers,” Brooke Kennedy (12) said.
Aside from the Angel Tree Program, another major project that the Student Council works on is the Color Run.
“The color run is our second semester event and takes place on Earth Day. We donate the money we raise from the event to the Indiana Dunes. Last year the Color Run was huge and had hundreds of runners. I remember we raised a lot of money that year. There is a 5k through the cross country course, and student council members throw colored powder at the runners. We haven’t figured out our sponsors yet, but it is definitely on our radar. Even before race day we are preparing. For example, a couple days after we will fill the powder containers and race day bags,” Poncin (11) said.