On Friday Nov. 21, the Lake Central Symphonic, Jazz I and Jazz II bands performed a winter concert in the gym at 7:00 p.m.
The concert kicked off with the Jazz II band, which played five different jazzy tunes with a toe-tapping beats. The songs were, “Back in the Day”, “Taking the Plunge”, “Straight North”, “Horns Plus Rhythm Equals Beat” and “Turnin’ Up the Heat”.
“My favorite [song] was “Horns Plus Rhythm Equals Beat” because it was fast-paced and there was a lot of stuff going on,” Matthew Adams (10) said.
After the Jazz II played their five pieces, the Symphonic Band had its go at “Winchester March” by John Edmondson, “Hatikvah” by Elliot Del Borgo and “Grovee!” by Richard Saucedo.
“I do enjoy playing Symphonic Band. It’s a lot of fun [and] a lot of work, but if you enjoy it, do it,” Halle Pederson (10) said.
Toward the end of the concert, the Jazz I section ended it off with their final pieces, “Star Eyes”, “Blues for Buster”, “Birk’s Works”, “Jazz Me Blues” wrapping the night up.
The next time the Jazz I and Jazz II will perform will be at a Purdue jazz festival Jan. 17., and the next time the Symphonic Band will perform will be April 16, at the spring band concert.