Every Thursday after school, Open Mic Club is held in the library. Students from all grades are able to showcase their talents, whether it be playing a musical instrument or showing off their free-styling skills. Previously led by Eduard Halbe (‘16), Open Mic Club continues to be a hit amongst the creative students at Lake Central High School.
“Edd Halbe passed it down to me when I asked him if I could be in charge. It made me extremely happy to care for something I love so much,” Mason Crawford (11), said.
The club sees an average of 20 students every meeting. There is a mix of upperclassmen and underclassmen who show a common interest in the club’s activities. Students are given the opportunity to share a talent of theirs in front of their peers and express themselves in ways they normally can’t during the school day.
“I have a lot of friends that go to Open Mic Club, and I love to see them perform with the many talents they have. I also enjoy going every week and seeing new faces show up to the club and perform. I love being there and hanging out with my friends that also come. It’s another time I get to socialize with people I really enjoy.” Sophia Boeckstiegel (11) said.