An Art Club meeting was held by Mrs. Maureen Yaeger, Art, on Tuesday, Dec. 12 in C227. This meeting consisted of members decorating their very own ornaments, eating snacks and listening to Christmas music.
“I [joined Art Club because] I really enjoy art and once I found out a lot of my friends were doing it. I knew it was gonna be really fun,” Brooke-Logan Garcia (9) said .
The members of Art Club are not all art students. A lot of them are just students who really enjoy making art. So a lot of the small projects the art club members create are capable of being done by everyone.
“This year we have a big group, so I am trying to find things that meet the needs of the kids who are the advanced students and then some kids who have never had art,” Mrs. Yaeger said.
Along with the small monthly projects, the Art Club also does a big project every year.
“I think we just got approval to hang those huge art murals up and so the plan was my Art Club kids would help us get them cataloged, help us get them hung up and put in frames so they all match. They were going to give us the wood so we would do the framing, so that’s one of the big projects,” Mrs. Yaeger said.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 30th.