On Tuesday, Mar. 5, Senior Class Cabinet met in the computer lab in the library to collectively brainstorm and create the party favors for this year’s Senior Banquet.
“The favors are buttons that are based around our theme which is television and movies that were popular when we were kids,” Gabriella Hay (12) said.
The theme of the banquet is titled “‘19 at Nite” which is a play on the popular television channel, ‘Nick at Nite.’
“It is an homage to the popular phenomena of ‘Nick at Nite,’” Hay said.
Ms. Allison Peda, English, and Ms. Stephanie Sivak, English, are the two teachers who sponsor the club.
“I make all the phone calls and handle all the money and do the grown-up stuff,” Allison Peda, English, said.
Senior Banquet is a dance with an award ceremony and dinner.
“We do superlative awards, [serve] a full dinner, have a costume contest and a dance with friends,” Peda said.
Tickets are on sale from March 4 through March 24.
“Tickets are $35. It includes a full dinner [and dance],” Peda said.
The dance will be held at Villa Cesare in Schererville, IN on Apr. 12, 2019.