On Thursday, March 19, Mrs. Pam Neth’s, English, fifth hour Drama II class took to the stage. The class’s two groups, “Improvination” and “Phantom of the Improv,” got the chance to show off their skills with long-form improvisation games.
“There were a lot of strong points [in the show.] It was really fun to watch [‘Improvination’] perform and I felt like my group, ‘Phantom of the Improv,’ did really well. We improved our form a lot, and we had a great group mind going,” Anna Samels (10) said.
While there are some students who are both part of the theatre classes and the company’s productions, there are some who decide to stick to the classroom stage.
“I thought the class was a lot more fun [than the productions] because you’re playing games, there’s a lot more social interaction because you’re going [to the class] every other day. Don’t get me wrong, the production is really fun, but I think the class is more fun because of the people you meet and the bonding you get to do,” Tyler Paluszak (11) said.
Because the Drama II classes include students of all backgrounds, each student gets their chance to show off their theatrical strong points.
“During the actual class, everyone has their own special talents, their own unique [skills.] Some people are better at improv. Some people are better at directing. Some people are better at scripted shows. It just depends on what you feel more comfortable doing,” Samels said.