Once the hubbub of the spring musical winds down, the Lake Central Theatre Company switches gears and prepares for freshman plays; student-directed one-act shows where freshmen are the stars.
On Tuesday, April 18, the four groups met to rehearse after school. As tech week approaches, directors face the triumphs and trials of teaching underclassmen.
“The thing that has been most difficult about [directing] is some of these freshmen have never acted in plays at all, so teaching them things that they need to know and telling them that line memorization is important, bringing in costumes on time is important and blocking is important is always super difficult,” Halle Pederson (12) said.
Despite the challenges that come with directing, sophomores may choose to direct a freshman play because it gives them the opportunity to implement their new skills and to mentor their fellow underclassmen.
“I loved acting in the freshman shows last year because it was a lot of fun and a great experience, so for me to only be a sophomore and be able to direct is really awesome. I wanted to direct because I love the directing side of theater and I love the energy of [freshman shows]. I want to take my personal experience and try to help them out and introduce them into the company,” Stephanie Gustas (10) said.
Being able to shape the future of the theatre company can be a rewarding experience for directors.
“Seeing these kids just blossom into amazing performers and showing them a whole new side of theater that they may not have seen before [is rewarding]. It’s important for them to see us doing this and to let them know that they’re able to do this too, which is awesome,” Pederson said.